Day 12h: Const Generics and Arrays – Writing Generic Code for Arrays

Venkat Annangi
Venkat Annangi
08/10/2024 02:55 3 min read 67 views
#rust-arrays #rust #108 days of rust

Day 12h: Const Generics and Arrays – Writing Generic Code for Arrays


Rust’s const generics feature allows developers to write functions and data structures that can work with arrays of any size. This provides flexibility without sacrificing compile-time performance. In this post, we’ll explore how to use const generics with arrays and how to leverage this feature to write more reusable, flexible code.

Basic Const Generics in Arrays

Const generics allow you to write functions that are generic over array lengths. This is particularly useful for writing generic algorithms that need to handle arrays of various sizes.

fn print_array<T, const N: usize>(arr: [T; N]) {

    for elem in arr.iter() {

        println!("{:?}", elem);



fn main() {

    let arr1 = [1, 2, 3];

    let arr2 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];




In this example, the print_array function works with arrays of any size, leveraging const generics to avoid size-specific code.

Implementing Traits for Arrays with Const Generics

With const generics, you can implement traits for arrays of different sizes, making your code more flexible. Here’s an example where we implement the Default trait for arrays:

impl<T, const N: usize> Default for [T; N] 


    T: Default,


    fn default() -> Self {

        [T::default(); N]



More Complex Operations with Const Generics

You can also use const generics to perform more complex operations, like reversing an array:

fn reverse_array<T: Copy, const N: usize>(arr: [T; N]) -> [T; N] {

    let mut reversed = arr;




fn main() {

    let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

    let reversed = reverse_array(arr);

    println!("{:?}", reversed);  // Output: [4, 3, 2, 1]


Using Const Generics with Multi-dimensional Arrays

Const generics can also simplify working with multi-dimensional arrays. Here’s how you can create a function that works with 2D arrays of any size:

fn print_matrix<const R: usize, const C: usize>(matrix: [[i32; C]; R]) {

    for row in &matrix {

        for elem in row.iter() {

            print!("{} ", elem);





fn main() {

    let matrix = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]];



Performance Benefits of Const Generics

Const generics provide performance benefits because the array size is known at compile time, allowing for optimizations like loop unrolling and memory layout optimization. This can result in more efficient code compared to dynamically sized structures like vectors.

Best Practices for Const Generics

  • Use const generics when the array size is known at compile time and won’t change.
  • Leverage const generics to implement common operations (like reversing, summing) on arrays of any size.
  • For large or dynamically-sized arrays, consider using vectors instead of arrays for flexibility.


Const generics in Rust allow you to write more flexible and efficient code by generalizing over array sizes. This opens up a range of possibilities for working with fixed-size arrays, especially in performance-sensitive applications. Whether you're working with small arrays or multi-dimensional arrays, const generics can help make your code more reusable and optimized.
